In the spring of 2004, HAPE FCU wrote a total of $75,000 in auto loans. The objective was to improve its performance in this product arena and to grow awareness among its members of the credit union’s auto loan program for the spring of 2005. The campaign’s result was that HAPE’s end target goal was wildly exceeded when it wrote $682,409 in new and used auto loans – an increase of 809% -- as a direct result of it’s marketing efforts.
The strategy was to use a postcard mailing to existing members. The graphics were cleverly designed to appeal specifically to the credit union’s members: postal workers living in Los Angeles County’s beach communities. The graphics conveyed fun. They were drawn in the style of images that might be found in a child’s coloring book. These were splashed with vivid, attention-getting blue, red and orange against a blank white field. The artwork played off recognizable icons from the postal workers’ daily routine (mailbox, mail bag). The copy emphasized the ease, simplicity and good value HAPE was offering with this new product.
The mailing announced the new auto loan rates and its availability from March 1 to May 30, 2005. The three-month window was devised as part of the campaign to create an urgency among the postcard’s recipients. Those who were considering the purchase of a new or used vehicle would be more inclined to make that decision within the three-month promotion. It also put the notion of buying a vehicle in the minds of those who weren’t necessarily considering such a purchase. In either case, the credit union’s offering of low rates, favorable terms and ease of applying were emphasized, making HAPE appear more favorable and approachable than commercial institutions.
The campaign resulted in HAPE’s funding of auto loans 809% over the credit union’s target goal of $150,000