First City Credit Union,
Los Angeles , CA
Outdoor Advertising
Establish and/or increase the awareness of First
City Credit Union’s
brand in the neighborhoods that are within a 3-mile radius of its two
branches in the cities of West Covina and Lakewood. Message to convey
the brand promises of integrity, convenience, locality, friendly, personalized
service with competitive products to its member-customers.
Campaign Details:
Billboards and bus tails placed in Lakewood
and West Covina between 8/1/03 – 11/30/03
with 3 rotations to keep messages fresh. Entire campaign based upon the
idea that First City puts the customer first, then expands into parallel
themes promoting the various products and services with messages that convey
to consumer First City Credit Union is an alternative to a bank. A simple,
clear, positive uplifting message was selected for the overall theme of
the campaign “This City Puts YOU First” that
is dead-on for delivering a memorable message that distinguishes First
City Credit Union’s competitive advantages. While other taglines,
such as: More banking for your buck, Think outside the bank,
You’re the Key to this City and First in Value, First in Service ran
as parallel themes throughout the rotations between the billboards and
bus tails.